The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Modelling, Analysis & Computation (MAC-MIGS) is an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral training run by the University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University.
Funding and Oversight
MAC-MIGS is co-funded by EPSRC grant EP/S023291/1, the two universities and its industry and agency partners. It will train c75 PhD students in 5 yearly cohorts from September 2019.
Advisory Board
Name | Institution | |
Ben Leimkuhler | UoE | |
Dugald Duncan | HWU | |
Philip Bond (Chair) | Manchester | |
Tristan van Leeuwen | Utrecht University and CWI Amsterdam | |
Alan Wilson | Alan Turing Institute and The Ada Lovelace Institute | |
Pierre Del Moral | New South Wales and INRIA | |
Robert Maskell | Independent member | |
Rupert Hough | James Hutton Institute | |
Scott Heald | Public Health Scotland | |
James Mcdonagh | IBM | |
Ingrid Daubechies | Duke University | |
Andrew Stuart | Caltech | |
Iain Gordon | UoE | |
Beatrice Pelloni | HWU | |
Raffaella Ocone | HWU | |
Carys Howell | EPSRC | |
Jesus Sanz-Serna | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | |
Klaus-Robert Mueller | TU Berlin | |
Elena Celledoni | Norwegian University of Science & Technology | |
Weizhu Bao | National University of Singapore |