MAC-MIGS-Amsterdam/Utrecht Workshop on Scientific Computation, Statistics and PDEs (4-6 September)

4th September 2024


MAC-MIGS-Amsterdam/Utrecht Workshop on Scientific Computation, Statistics and PDEs


The aim of the “Edinburgh-Amsterdam/Utrecht Workshop on Scientific Computation, Statistics, and PDEs” is to facilitate collaboration between PhD students and research groups at University of Utrecht, CWI in Amsterdam and the University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University. The workshop will offer an opportunity for PhD students, postdocs and academics from Edinburgh, Amsterdam and Utrecht to learn about a wide spectrum of research topics covered by the four institutions in the broad area of applied, computational and statistical mathematics and to foster new collaborations. The focus of the workshop lies within the scope of MAC-MIGS (Edinburgh based Centre for Doctoral Training) and will cover a wide range of topics, e.g. mathematical modelling, scientific computing, machine learning, PDE analysis, uncertainty quantification, numerical analysis, etc.

The second part of the workshop (4-6 September 2024) is taking plance in Amsterdam.

Schedule and all local information at:


Tristan van Leeuwen (Utrecht/Amsterdam), Mariya Ptashnyk, Aretha Teckentrup, Lehel Banjai